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Important Notice Regarding Your Hydrocodone Medication

Please note that Hydrocodone combination products (for example – Vicodin, Lortab and Hydromet) have been reclassified to a Schedule II drug by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), effective October 6, 2014.  This decision was made primarily to minimize the misuse of these drugs for recreational purposes, while ensuring that patients with severe pain will still have access to the meds they need to control pain.

What this will mean for you –

  1. Your prescription for Hydrocodone must be an original prescription, hand-written or computer-printed with a physician’s signature, beginning     October 6.

  2. Your Hydrocodone prescription cannot be called or faxed to a pharmacy.

  3. Prescriptions for Hydrocodone products cannot be refilled unless they were issued before October 6.

  4. Please provide a minimum of 5 business days if you would like your prescription mailed to you.

If you have any questions about this change, please visit the websites listed below for additional information or you may contact your physician via the patient portal at www.laureatemed.com/mylaureate



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